Diplom im Studiengang Vermessungswesen, Universität Bonn
Promotion zum Doktor-Ingenieur, Universität Stuttgart
Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung Software Engineering und Datenbanksysteme,Fernuniversität Hagen
Oberingenieur bei Krämer & Schüller Beratende Ingenieure, Krefeld
Professor im Fachbereich Vermessung und Geoinformatik der HFT Stuttgart
Studiendekan Master Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
Leiter des Labors für Geodätische Datenverarbeitung
Mitglied des Fakultätsvorstandes als Studiendekan im Fakultätsvorstand
Mitglied des Fakultätsvorstandes als Prodekan
Moyo, B., Schöder, D., Moreri, K.: Cloud‑Computing Trend Analysis of Urbanization Impacts on Land Surface Temperature and Electricity Demand in Gaborone, Botswana. Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences
Berhanu, Y., Schroeder, D., Teklu B. and Alemayehu E.: Machine learning for predictions of road traffic accidents and spatial network analysis for safe routing on accident and congestion-prone road networks. Results in Engineering, 23(1):102737. DOI: 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.102737
Berhanu, Y., Schroeder, D., Teklu B. and Alemayehu E.: Spatial analysis of road traffic accidents: Identifying hotspots for improved road safety in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Cogent Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 2, Tayöor & Francis
Saad Khan, Adel Omran, Dietrich Schröder, Christian Sommer Volker Hochschild, Michael Märker: A QGIS ‑plugin for gully erosion modeling. Earth Sience Informatics, Springer Nature,
Berhanu, Y., Alemayhu, E., Schröder, D.: Examining Car Accident Prediction Techniques and Road Traffic Congestion: A Comparative Analysis of Road Safety and Prevention of World Challenges in Low-Income and High-Income Countries. Journal of Advanced Transportation. Volume 2023,
Omran, A., Schröder, D., Sommer, C., Märker, M.: A GIS-based simulation and visualization tool for the assessment of gully erosion processes. Spatial Science, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2022.2133020, Oktober 2022
Bandyopadhyay, S., Schröder, D., Weippert, H., and Ostadabbas, H.: DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERACTIVE WEB GIS APPLICATION TO SIMULATE HOUSING POTENTIAL AND DEMAND, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B4-2022, 61–68,, 2022.
Jessica Cueva, Iulia Almeida Yakouchenkova, KatrinFröhlich, Anna Floria Dermann, Florian Dermann, Mario Köhler, Josef Grossmann, Winfried Meier, Jürgen Bauhus, Dietrich Schröder, Gerhard Sardemann, Carolin Thomas, Arturo Romero Carnicero, Somidh Saha: Synergies and trade-offs in ecosystem services from urban and peri-urban forests and their implication to sustainable city design and planning, April 2022, Sustainable Cities and Society 82(12):103903
Adel Omran, Kanij Fahmida, Dietrich Schroeder, Volker Hochschild: GIS-based rockfall hazard zones modeling along the coastal Gulf of Aqaba Region, Egypt Springer, June 2021, Earth Science Informatics 14(9):1-19, DOI: 10.1007/s12145-021-00580-y
Maria Prama, Adel Omran, Dietrich Schroeder, Abdou Abouelmagd: Vulnerability assessment of flash floods in Wadi Dahab Basin, Egypt Springer, February 2020Environmental Earth Sciences 79(5), DOI: 10.1007/s12665-020-8860-5
Adel Omran, Dietrich Schroeder, Abdou Abouelmagd, Michael Maerker: New ArcGIS tools developed for stream network extraction and basin delineations using Python and java script, June 2016 Computers & Geosciences 94, DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2016.06.012
Hafiz Ali Imran, Dietrich Schroeder, Bilal Ahmed Munir: Agent Based Simulation for Biogas Power Plant Potential in SchwarzwaldBaar-Kreis, Germany: A Step towards Better Economy, January 2016Geocarto International 32(1):1-15, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2015.1128485
Dietrich Schroeder, Adel Omran, Rafael Ricardo Bastidas Méndez: Automated Geoprocessing Workflow for Watershed Delineation and Classification for Flash Flood Assessment, December 2015, International Journal of Geoinformatics 11(December):31 - 38
Dietrich Schroeder, Divine Odame Appiah, Eric Kwabena Forkuo, John Tiah Bugri: Application of Geo-Information Techniques in Land Use and Land Cover Change Analysis in a Peri-Urban District of Ghana, July 2015, International Journal of Geo-Information 2015(4(3)):1265-1289, DOI: 10.3390/ijgi4031265
Schröder, D. and Hafiz Ali Imran: Agent Based Simulation for Biomass Power Plants Using Agent Analyst. Proceedings ICS International Conference on Space 2014, November 12-14, 2014, Islamabad, Pakistan
Schröder, D. and Nistor-Lopatenco, L.: GIT education through e-learning – achievements in the GIDEC project. Proceedings XVIII International and Technical Symposium Geoinformation Monitoring of Environment: GNSS and GIS Technologies, September 10-15, 2013 Alushta, Ukraine
Rayado Pérez, S., Behr, F.J., Schröder, D. : Desktop and Web GIS Based Spatial Decision Support System for the Site Selection of Wind Farms - Applied in the State of Baden-Württemberg. Proceedings 5th International Summer School and Conference Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, AGSE, Karlsruhe, 2012
Joshi, S., Behr, F.-J. , Schröder, D.: Replication and Presentation of Openstreetmap Database for Application on Regional or National Level. Proceedings 5th International Summer School and Conference Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, AGSE, Karlsruhe, 2012
Schröder, D. : Freie und Open Source Software für Geodaten – Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen. Tagungsband 9. Vermessungsingenieurtag der HFT Stuttgart, Band 124(2012)
Schröder, D.: Geo-Informationstechnologie für Armenien. Ingenieurblatt für Baden-Württemberg. Bund Deutscher Baumeister Architekten und Ingenieure. Sonderheft 2012.
Schröder, D., Mudogah, H., David, F.: Evaluation of gvSIG and SEXTANTE Tools for Hydrological Analysis. Geo: Geoconnexion International Magazine, Volume 10, Issue 8, September 2011.
Omran, A.., Schröder, D., El Rayes, A., Geriesh, M.: Flood Hazard Assessment in Wadi Dahab, Egypt, Based on Basin Morphometry Using GIS Techniques. Geospatial Crossroads @ GI_Forum ’11. Proceedings of the Geoinformatics Forum Salzburg. Wichmann , 2011.
Schröder, D.: Open-Source-Arbeitsplatz GIS – Aktuelle Entwicklungen. Kartographische Nachrichten 4/2011
Advances in Open Source Desktop GIS – Geospatial Analysis Tools and GDI Clients, XVI International scientific technical symposium geoinformation monitoring of environment: GPS and GIS-technologies. September 12-17 Alushta 2011 (Ukraine, Krimea)
Honorary Doctor of Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
2002 Lehr- und Forschungsaufenthalt an der Guilin University of Technology, China.
2005 Lehrtätigkeit (DAAD-Kurzzeitdozentur) an der Universidad de El Salvador, San Salvador.
2006 Lehrtätigkeit (DAAD-Kurzzeitdozentur) an der Universidad de El Salvador, San Salvador.
2008 Workshop im Rahmen der HFT-Sommerschule in Trivandrum/Indien
2010 Workshop im Rahmen der HFT-Sommerschule in Arequipa/Peru
2011 GIS Intensive Training an der Yerevan State University for Architecture and Construction, Armenien im Rahmen des EU-Tempus Projektes GIDEC
2012 Workshop im Rahmen der HFT-Sommerschule in JohorBahru, Malaysia
2012 GIS Workshop an der Universität in Klaipeda, Litauen
2013 Workshop im Rahmen der AGSE HFT-Sommerschule in Ahmedabad/Indien
2016 Postgraduierten Seminar und Workshop Universidád de El Savador, San Salvador
2021 Mitorganisator AGSE Kathmandu/Stuttgart