In agreement with the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart and the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart e.V., the Robert Breuning Foundation awards rent subsidies to international students of the HFT Stuttgart who are accommodated in the halls of residence of the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart.
The rent subsidy amounts to € 150 per month for the funding period of one semester.
The maximum funding period is
- 6 semesters for Bachelor students and is awarded up to the 8th semester of higher education,
- 3 semesters for Master's students and is awarded up to a maximum of the 5th university semester.
Application period/deadline:
December 1 - January 15 for the following summer semester
June 1 - July 15 for the following winter semester
What requirements must be met?
- You are a regular international student or exchange student from a partner university of HFT Stuttgart.
- You live in student accommodation in Stuttgart.
- You can proof an extracurricular and/or special commitment at the HFT Stuttgart, e.g. activity in the Buddy Program, participation in international activities/events (e.g. cultural evening, coffee break), special activities in the degree program, e.g. semester speaker, tutor activity, etc.
How do I apply?
Please send the following documents to
- Application Form (please download in wiki)
- Certificates of commitment
- Overview of grades
- Copy of the tenancy agreement with the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart
What happens after the application?
- On the basis of the files and after consultation with the programme coordinators, the International Office will select the sponsored students.
- The students will be informed in writing about the result of the selection.